Can You Compete in York County Beard Competitions with a Fake Beard?

The Southeast Mustache and Beard Championship is the perfect event for bearded and mustachioed men of the Southeast to show off their facial hair. But what about fake beards? Are they allowed in the competition? The answer is yes, but with some restrictions. Fake beards are allowed in the freestyle categories, such as the Whaler, Garibaldi, and Partial Beard Freestyle. In these categories, additional structural materials such as wire, rope, or other non-natural materials can be used to hold the parts of the beard upright or together.

However, these materials must be attached to the user and not naturally grown. In the full beard categories, beard care aids are allowed. This includes styling aids for the mustache, which should be designed to be the predominant feature of facial hair on the face. The length of the full beard can range from 0 to 3 inches, 3 to 6 inches, 6 to 12 inches, and 12 feet to 18 feet. Aaron and Natali Johnston from Aiken, South Carolina have competed in several competitions around the world. Natali even creates her own beards from scratch for some of her entries.

In one competition, she won first place in the “realistic freestyle” category (for non-real beards) and won the award for best in exhibition. So if you're looking to compete in a beard competition in York County, South Carolina, you can do so with a fake beard. Just make sure it follows all of the rules and regulations for your chosen category. When it comes to competing in a beard competition with a fake beard, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, make sure that your fake beard follows all of the rules and regulations for your chosen category. Additionally, you should make sure that any additional structural materials used to hold your beard together are securely attached to you and not naturally grown. You should also take into account the length of your full beard when competing with a fake one.

The length of your full beard should range from 0 to 3 inches, 3 to 6 inches, 6 to 12 inches, and 12 feet to 18 feet. Finally, if you're looking for inspiration for your fake beard entry into a York County beard competition, look no further than Aaron and Natali Johnston from Aiken, South Carolina. Natali has won first place in several competitions around the world with her realistic freestyle entries. So if you're looking to compete in a York County beard competition with a fake beard, make sure that it follows all of the rules and regulations for your chosen category. Additionally, take into account the length of your full beard when competing with a fake one. Finally, use Aaron and Natali Johnston from Aiken as inspiration for your entry.

Denise Chafins
Denise Chafins

Wannabe zombie evangelist. Amateur music guru. Freelance coffee scholar. Friendly foodaholic. Evil tv fanatic.