Competing in the Southeastern Beard & Mustache Championship: An Adventure Awaits in York County, South Carolina

Are you ready to join the bearded and mustachioed men of the Southeast this weekend? The Holy City Beard & Mustache Society is hosting the second annual Southeastern Beard & Mustache Championship, an event approved by Team Beard USA. Contestants will compete in five categories, and the walls of the house are covered with trophies, including one for a world championship. For Natali and her husband, barbing is more than just a fun pastime, it's a getaway. Natali is on the kidney transplant list and many people in the bearded community have checked to see if they're compatible.

The Johnstons are thankful for all the adventures they've had and never expected a beard to be their life. Their next competition will be next weekend in Indiana. The South Carolina Department of Education, in collaboration with the Education Oversight Committee, is authorized to use data that has already been collected to report on in-state and out-of-state college enrollment, university persistence, and completion of higher education for South Carolina high school graduates. The list must include, among others, the Wil Lou Gray School of Opportunities and the South Carolina Youth Challenge Academy.

Procurement by the department of experts, consultants and advisors, including accountants and attorneys, is exempt from the purchasing procedures of the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code in Chapter 35, Title 11, and from any other provision of this State's general law that conflicts with these directives. For this transaction, only the approval of the Georgetown County Council and the Board of Directors of the Port Authority of the State of South Carolina is required, and such approval will fulfill the trusteeship obligations of each approving body related to this transfer. The funds allocated to each circuit must be distributed for the development and implementation of a prosecution case management system that complies with Criminal Justice Information Services, capable of integrating with the South Carolina District Attorney's Coordination Commission, the South Carolina Judiciary, all state and local law enforcement departments and other Circuit Attorney offices. It is among the largest 1% of the volume, the largest black-owned wine company and the second largest women-owned wine company in the United States, as well as being one of the most inclusive, accessible, socially conscious and sustainable.

The intent of this provision is to make the analytical tools developed under this provision available to members of the South Carolina General Assembly and their research staff members, state agencies, and researchers. The report will include recommendations to expand the offer of the JROTC program to more students in South Carolina. Now, with almost 20 years of experience in the food industry, Chef Clark was asked to take up his current position as executive chef at Lure Fishbar. After successfully running two kitchens in New York City, he followed in his father's footsteps by running a gastronomic institution in New York City: Patrick Clark was executive chef at The Odeon and Tavern on The Green.

Nadine has certifications from both the sommelier teacher court and WSET. He is a wine judge and participates in competitions such as The Virginia Governor's Cup and The TexSom International Wine Awards. Nina earned a master's degree in African American studies from Columbia University, a degree in political and social thought from The University of Virginia, and has an eCornell certificate in Diversity & Inclusion. In accordance with this determination, The DHEC will use RTF's license application and renewal fees to issue and renew licenses only in a manner that specifies the percentage of beds that each RTF must staff and reserve for South Carolina residents.

Today she proudly represents her New York neighborhood as one of the most successful African-American women in restaurant and catering businesses. So if you're looking for an exciting adventure this weekend join us at The Southeastern Beard & Mustache Championship in York County, South Carolina!.

Denise Chafins
Denise Chafins

Wannabe zombie evangelist. Amateur music guru. Freelance coffee scholar. Friendly foodaholic. Evil tv fanatic.