Competing in a Beard Competition in York County, South Carolina: What to Expect

Are you looking to compete in a beard competition in York County, South Carolina? If so, you'll need to be aware of the judging criteria for the contest. The contestants will be judged in seven distinct categories, each with its own set of rules and regulations. The first category is Freestyle with Partial Beard. This includes any freestyle beard that is combed with the base facial hair used with the recognizable features of a partial beard and does not fit into the category of freestyle sideburns or freestyle goat beard.

Contestants are allowed to use grooming aids on their beard and incorporate a mustache of any size with styling aids, styled to be the predominant feature of facial hair on the face. The second category is Full Beard of 3 to 6 inches long. The Garibaldi beard is wide and round at the bottom and measures no more than 20 cm from the bottom of the lower lip. The third category is Full Beard of 6 to 12 inches long.

The whaler is a thicker, wilder beard, up to 12 inches long, without a mustache, and the cheeks can be shaved or not. The fourth category is Full Beard from 0 to 3 inches long. The fifth category is Full Beard from 12 feet to 18 feet long. Contestants are allowed to use grooming aids on their beard and incorporate a mustache of any size with styling aids, stylized to be the predominant feature of facial hair on the face.

The sixth category is Full Beard of 18 to 24 years in length. This style will consist of beards that would otherwise be considered full beards if they had a mustache (similar to C). The seventh category is Full Beard over 24 inches long. Contestants are allowed to use grooming aids on their beard and incorporate a mustache of any size with styling aids, styled to be the predominant feature of facial hair on the face. In all categories, contestants have creative freedom when it comes to styling their beard.

However, additional structural materials such as wire, rope or other non-natural materials may not be used as they are not naturally grown and attached to the user. Competing in a beard competition in York County, South Carolina can be an exciting experience for those who take part. Knowing what categories you will compete in and what rules apply will help you prepare for your competition. With seven distinct categories ranging from Freestyle with Partial Beard up to Full Beard over 24 inches long, there's something for everyone! So get ready for your competition by brushing up on your knowledge about each category's rules and regulations.

Denise Chafins
Denise Chafins

Wannabe zombie evangelist. Amateur music guru. Freelance coffee scholar. Friendly foodaholic. Evil tv fanatic.