Beard Competition in York County, South Carolina: Age Restrictions Explained

Are you looking to join the bearded, mustachioed men of the Southeast this weekend and compete in the Southeastern Beard & Mustache Championship? Last year, the Holy City Beard & Mustache Society hosted an opening event and now they are back with their second annual event. This event is approved by Team Beard USA and contestants will compete in five categories. But before you sign up, you may be wondering if there are any age restrictions for entering a beard competition in York County, South Carolina. The answer is yes, there are age restrictions for entering a beard competition in York County, South Carolina.

All participants must be at least 18 years old to compete. This is a strict rule that must be followed in order to participate in the competition. In addition to the age restriction, there are also rules and regulations that must be followed when competing in a beard competition. These rules include guidelines on facial hair length, grooming standards, and attire.

All participants must adhere to these rules in order to compete. If you meet the age requirement and are willing to abide by the rules and regulations of the competition, then you can sign up for the Southeastern Beard & Mustache Championship. The entry form and rules of the beard contest can be found on the Holy City Beard & Mustache Society website. Beard contests are a great way to have fun and show off your facial hair skills.

So if you're looking for a fun event to attend this weekend, then consider signing up for the Southeastern Beard & Mustache Championship in York County, South Carolina. Just make sure you meet the age requirement and follow all of the rules and regulations.

Denise Chafins
Denise Chafins

Wannabe zombie evangelist. Amateur music guru. Freelance coffee scholar. Friendly foodaholic. Evil tv fanatic.